Adding Broadcom Gigabit drivers to RIS for Windows XP Images

Step by step procedure (found on Dell Optiplex GX280)


1 . Download the updated drivers v7 .86 from Broadcom site,


2 . At the same level as the i386 folder of the RIS image, create a $oem$\$1\Drivers\Nic folder


Example : RemoteInstall\Setup\Eng\Images\Windows_XP SP1\$oem$\$1\Drivers\Nic


3 . Extract the win xp 2k3 32-7 package to a temporary location, create a subfolder

named updated inf and copy the win xp 2k3 32\b57win32.inf to that folder. Then open the

updated inf\b57win32 .inf file in Notepad


4. Change the following information in the updated inf\b57win32 .inf file.


%BRCM% = Broadcom, NTx86.5.1



%BRCM% = Broadcom

Remove the [Broadcom .NTx86 .5.1] line

Do a search replace for b57w2k.sys and replace with b57xp32 .sys


5 . Copy the following file from winxp2k3_32 to 1386 (Replace existing files)

b57xp32 .sys


6 . Copy the foliowing file from win xp 2k3 32\updated inf to i386 (Replace existing files)

b57win32 .inf


7 . Copy the foliowing files from win xp_2k3 32 to $oem$\$1\ Drivers\Nic



b57win32 .cat


8. Add the foliowing to the ristndrd.sif file

[U nattended

OemPreinstall = yes

OemPnpDriversPath = \Drivers\Nic


9 . Delete all pnf-files from the i386 folder


10 . Restart the Remote Installation (BINLSVC) Service


11 . Test the client


Note: The first time this will take a while because Windows rebuilds all the PNF files

Can´t remember where I got it, but God bless whoever put it out there. I was near tears trying

to solve this ghastly problem .

Thomas Jakobsen   |   Nordborgvej 6   |   4200 Slagelse   |   Tlf. 5853 0892   |   Email: